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LinkedIn messages don't work alone. Multi-channel does.

Written by Don Brockhaus | Aug 27, 2020

Social selling doesn't work alone. You need to have a multi-channel approach.

This week I’ve received over 20 InMails asking me to buy BitCoin, Microphones, and to join the next real estate investment group. It’s unfortunate that some people have turned LinkedIn into a SPAM trap.

The secret to LinkedIn is warming your prospects up. The goal of any cold outbound campaign is to gain an initial meeting.

You’ll have better results if they are familiar with your personal brand.


If your goal is to gain an initial meeting with a prospect, keep reading.

If your goal is to be SPAMMY, stop reading.   


…………..okay, we know your goal is to gain an initial meeting.

This is your complete guide to developing a battle tested multi-touch sales campaign in two easy steps.

Ready to get started?


Step # 1: Finding all your prospects and building segmented lists

Finding all your prospects, based off an ideal customer profile (ICP), can seem intimidating. Don't worry -  we’ve made it incredibly easy to find all your prospects. 

  1. Search for your prospects on LinkedIn
  2. Click on the PipeGen.ai chrome extension and begin developing your prospect lists



Before you start adding everyone to your list.

Take a minute and make sure they fit your ideal customer profile.

Once you’re done creating a list you can go to PipeGen.ai and find their work email, personal email, phone numbers, and physical addresses.


Step # 2: Developing a multi-channel sales campaign

This step can seem overwhelming. Don’t stress, we have pre-built templates that you can use today. 🤑👇

Touch 1: Email

Hi {first.name},

I see that your company specializes in and some of our clients are facing challenges with (..keep it brief..).  Are you also experiencing this challenge? I would love your feedback.

I thought you might also enjoy this article that discusses (..provide something on the challenge..)

Talk soon!



Touch 2: Email

Hi {first.name},

I just ran across this article (..provide link..) and remembered I emailed you a few days ago. A few of my clients enjoyed it and I wanted to share.

We are helping our clients in the {industry} space with (..state the problem you're solving..).

Can we connect on Tuesday next week to discuss?



Touch 3: LinkedIn

{first.name}, notice we have similar connections, would love to connect! I sent a few emails to {work.email}. Is this the best email address?

Touch 4: Email

Hi {first.name},

I know….. I’ve sent you a few emails and connected on LinkedIn. We are helping (..provide a value story..).

Can we schedule 20 minutes on Tuesday next week to discuss?

You can expect to learn (..state what you can teach them on the challenge..)

Talk soon!



Touch 5: Phone Call Script

{first.name}, do you have 27 seconds? We are helping our client (..discuss an achievement..). I’m calling to see if you're open to setting up 30 minutes to review formally.

Touch 6: Break-up Email

Subject: It’s not you, It's me. 


I’ve reached out a few times and haven't heard back. Are you not working on (..state challenge..)? I respect your time and in exchange ill be sure to cover:

  1. (..topic..)
  2. (..topic..)
  3. (..topic..)

I’ll stop reaching out and assume you're not interested if I don't hear back. If you're open to learning about the above.

Can we schedule 30 minutes Wednesday next week?




Yes, the above is your's for FREE! We know that's why you clicked on this link. 😁😂😍



Are you ready to start booking meetings?

Remember to keep your messaging genuine and don’t lose the human element.

Make sure to take your time and develop your prospects' pain points and how you can solve their challenges.

Don't forget to join our Facebook group:

Outbound Sales Hacks
Private group · 36 members
Join Group


Now what?

Once you start running a campaign you need to a/b test different subject lines and messaging.

Think of your sales engagement platform as a living laboratory. You’ll want to test different messaging and sequences based on your persona.




 You'll want to review different variables across your:  

  • Response rates
  • Open rates
  • Tone of response (positive/negative)

These metrics will help you fine tune your messaging based on a pain point. 


……. And make sure to see how many times everyone is opening your emails! If a prospect has opened an email 29 times 👇 you'll want to reach out. 



So, now that you have a battle tested multi-channel sales campaign. You'r ready to start booking meetings on autopilot. 

To recap, here is what you need: 

  • Find and segment all your prospects into lists
  • Identify your prospects challenges and pain points 
  • Develop a multi-channel sales campaign based on challenges and pain points 

Don't feel like you need to do everything by yourself. We are hear to help!